Infection Control
Understanding and implementing best practices in the prevention of infection.
Course Objectives
- Management, precautions, policies and procedure in the prevention of infection.
- Understanding and prevention of infection.
Gillian Buxton
After graduating from University Gillian taught outdoor education for over 10 years and since 1999 she has worked at the Community of St Anthony and St Elias, an organisation which works to promote the independence of service users, mostly from the mental health sector, all of a very challenging nature. She has worked as both Support Worker, Registered Manager and Training Manager. She qualified as a General Services Association Tutor in January 2004 and a NUCO First Aid Instructor in 2014.
I had a week long training induction, very thorough, and since then updates on physical intervention, breakaway, Asperger’s…the induction gives additional skills and is tailored to the people who live here.