Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
Understanding and implementing the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
Course Objectives
- Be able to put the principles of the Mental Capacity Act into practice.
- Be able to assess and record mental capacity assessments.
- Be able to make best interest decisions.
- Be aware of decision making arrangements e.g. advance decisions, power of attorney, deputies.
- Understand the process for depriving a person of their liberty in order to keep them safe from harm.
- Be aware when and how the Act applies to children and young people.
Your Instructor
Gillian Buxton
After graduating from University Gillian taught outdoor education for over 10 years and since 1999 she has worked at the Community of St Anthony and St Elias, an organisation which works to promote the independence of service users, mostly from the mental health sector, all of a very challenging nature. She has worked as both Support Worker, Registered Manager and Training Manager. She qualified as a General Services Association Tutor in January 2004 and a NUCO First Aid Instructor in 2014.
Our Onsite Training Suite
Fully Insured
Care Certificate Standard 9
The training is really good here, that’s one of the best things about this company they ensure that we develop the right skills. Its great!