Enthusiasm, motivation and caring
The staff are very good and they treat me with respect and dignity and the staff are always there for me.
How we ensure consistent support to residents
The Community operates a thorough recruitment procedure based on equal opportunities whilst ensuring the protection of residents. New staff are confirmed in post only after the Community have received references and on completion of satisfactory Disclosure Barring Service checks (DBS). All staff receive training on issues of Safeguarding.
We do not employ psychiatric nurses, we employ people from a broad range of backgrounds, who have the qualities and characteristics that provide the environment to implement the Community’s philosophy. Their skills and knowledge are developed through a programme of induction and ongoing training, to the requirement of TOPPS certified training programme and the nationally recognised Care Qualifications. Employees come from both graduate and non-graduate backgrounds and often move on to careers in nursing and social work as well as post-graduate study.
Residents are involved in staff selection and their feedback on the care provision is encouraged and supported.